
Imagine This Extremely Possible Scenario:
1. You are driving along in your vehicle; 2. Without Warning - You are Involved in a Serious Accident!
3. Your Seat Belts are Jammed ... and You're Trapped! 4. The Doors are Jammed
... and You're Trapped! 5. Your Vehicle May Be Overturned ... and You're Trapped! 6. You Smell Gasoline
or Smoke or See Fire! 7. Water May Be Filling the Passenger Compartment! 8. Your Only Escape May Be Climbing Through
the Window! 7. You Use Your LIFE HAMMER to Cut The Seat Belts; 8. You Use LIFE
HAMMER's Steel Tip to Break The Window! 9. You Climb Out To Safety Before Real Disaster Strikes!
10. If You Have Passengers -
You Can Save Their Lives Too!
AND............In The Aftermath...
Without Warning - This Hypothetical Situation Could
Happen To You, a Passenger in Your Vehicle, a Family Member or a Relative, a Co-Worker or Friend! It Happens EVERY
Is Your Life, the Lives of Your Family Members or Other Passengers Important
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If Your
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Your Own Car or SUV, Your Wife or Husband's or Son or Daughter's Car, the Taxicab or Limousine You
Ride In, or Your Own Vehicle is Equipped with Seat Belts and You Use Them, You Also NEED At Least ONE
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How to Escape from a Sinking Car
1. As soon as you hit the water, open your window. This
is your best chance of escape, because opening the door will be very difficult given the outside water pressure. (To be safe,
you should drive with the windows and doors slightly open whenever you are near water or driving on ice.)
Opening the window allows water to come in and equalize
the pressure. Once the water pressure inside and outside the car is equal, you’ll be able to open the door.
2. If your power windows won’t work or you cannot
roll your windows down all the way, attempt to break the glass with your foot, shoulder, or a heavy object such as an antitheft
steering wheel lock, or a LIFE HAMMER!

3. Get out. Do not worry about leaving anything behind unless it is another
person. Vehicles with engines in front will sink at a steep angle.
If the water is fifteen feet or deeper, the vehicle may end up on its roof,
upside down. For this reason, you must get out as soon as possible, while the car is still afloat.
Depending on the vehicle, floating time will range from a few seconds to a
few minutes. The more airtight the car, the longer it floats. Air in the car will be quickly forced out through the trunk
and cab. An air bubble is unlikely to remain once the car hits bottom. Get out as early as possible.
4. If you are unable to open the window or break it, you have one final option.
Remain Calm and Do Not Panic!
Wait until the car begins filling with water. When the water reaches your
head, take a deep breath and hold it.
Now the pressure should be equalized inside and outside, and you should be
able to open the door and swim to the surface.

A Michigan woman working for
a major corporation as an accountant, got a request via e-mail from someone billing himself as a Nigerian dignitary
needing her help to effect the recovery and transfer of $180 million dollars.
All she had to do was to provide
him with a telephone number, and a fax number ,and she also had to set up a bank account in her name at a bank in the
United States for the successful transfer of the money into her account, for which she would earn a seeming king's ransom
as her commission, for her time and effort.
But, first, she needed to
provide this unknown gentleman with advance funds to help him pay some bribes and necessary fees.
So, pay she did...from her
personal account and her Corporation's bank account!
Now, as a result, she is out
of her own personal investment and has also been accused of embezzling more than $2 million dollars from her employer
between February and August of 2002 to finance the scheme.
She innocently and honestly
planned to pay it back to her corporate employer when she received her promised $20.5 million from her Nigerian business partner.
Of course, she never got a
She had simply fallen for
one of the most common scams on the entire Internet, THE NIGERIAN 419 SCAM. Don't Be The 419 Scammer's Next Victim! See the
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Available Now For ALL Law Enforcement ONLY!
Field Guide For Law Enforcement

Terrorism and tactical violence incidents are first and foremost a
crime. This means that law enforcement agencies are directly involved in every aspect of the terrorism response continuum.
Law enforcement has the responsibility of crisis management (use of
intelligence information and planning to prevent/interdict terrorism) and consequence management (emergency measures during
an evolving terrorism / tactical violence incident).
In essence, law enforcement is usually the first agency to arrive
at a terrorism incident and the last agency to leave.
Investigations and evidence collection can take several months (or
years). The judicial trial and appeals process may require another half decade of effort before the "case is finally closed."
Terrorism and tactical violence incidents present a myriad of challenges
for the law enforcement officer.
First, officers will confront a violent, dangerous, and unstable scene
that can kill them. Secondly, officers may face new chemical, biological, and radioactive threats with little (or no) protective
equipment or training.
Lastly, a successful attack will result in mass casualties and multiple
fatalities. This requires that officers provide adequate support to EMS, fire/rescue agencies, public health, and hospitals.
The purpose of the TERRORISM RESPONSE pocket guide with its Bioterrorism
CD-ROM is to provide a quick reference of law enforcement consequence management responsibilities during a terrorist attack.
Most importantly, it is a safety guide to help officers survive.
The TERRORISM RESPONSE Field Guide with its Bioterrorism CD-ROM provides the basic information necessary for every
officer when combating terrorism. It includes information on chemical, biological, radiological, explosives and cyber-terrorism
as well as response procedures, decontamination, and crime scene operations.
Key Benefit of the TERRORISM
RESPONSE Pocket Guide:
This field guide details
all of the essentials responders "need-to-know" in a terrorism response situation.
Key Topics: Comprehensive
and complete it details chemical, biological, radiological, and cyber-terrorism and explosives and the appropriate response
procedures for each of these terrorism and tactical violence incidents. Also included is a discussion of the Incident Management
System and a Quick Reference Guide for Hazard Zones, Incident Threat Response, SBCCOM Guidelines, NIOSH Interim Recommendations,
and more. Market: This is an ideal resource on terrorism training for all Law Enforcement professionals.
About the Authors
1. The Basics of the Incident Management System.
2. Response Procedures for Terrorism and Tactical Violence
3. Weapons of Mass Effect - Chemical Terrorism.
4. Weapons of Mass Effect - Biological Terrorism.
5. Weapons of Mass Effect - Radiological Terrorism.
6. Weapons of Mass EffectExplosives.
7. Weapons of Mass EffectCyber-Terrorism.
8. Decontamination.
9. Crime Scene
LE IMS Chart.
Chemical Incident Threat Response.
Biological Incident Threat Response.
Chemical Terrorism General Guidance.
SBCCOM Guidelines for Responding to a Chemical Weapons Incident.
Hazard Zones As Defined in the 2000 DOT Emergency Response
Biological Terrorism General Guidance.
1. The Basics of the Incident Management System.
2. Response Procedures for Terrorism and Tactical Violence
3. Weapons of Mass Effect - Chemical Terrorism.
4. Weapons of Mass Effect - Biological Terrorism.
5. Weapons of Mass Effect - Radiological Terrorism.
6. Weapons of Mass EffectExplosives.
7. Weapons of Mass EffectCyber-Terrorism.
8. Decontamination.
9. Crime Scene
LE IMS Chart.
Chemical Incident Threat Response.
Biological Incident Threat Response.
Chemical Terrorism General Guidance.
SBCCOM Guidelines for Responding to a Chemical Weapons Incident.
Hazard Zones As Defined in the 2000 DOT Emergency Response
Biological Terrorism General
NIOSH Interim Recommendations
for the Selection and Use of Protective Clothing and Respirators Against Biological Agents. Terrorism With Ionizing Radiation
General Guidance. OSHA Protection Requirements . How to Use an Auto-Injector. CSEPP Recommended Guidelines for
Antidote Treatment. Defense Protective ServiceNBC Indicator Matrix. Material Safety Data SheetsChemical Agents SBCCOM.
"American policing
has been preparing to effectively deal with terrorism and weapons of mass effect for a very long time. But in the post September
11th world, our educational and training efforts must be significantly enhanced. This field guide has emerged as the best
educational tool on the market. Every police officer should leave with a copy in their duty bag for a quick on-scene reference."
Dr. James O'Keefe, St. John's University, Retired Director of Training,
"A succinct, well organized first responder guide for
our thin blue line. It is practical information in an easy to read and understandable format. I would rate it a "must have"
for every officer."
---D.C. Jim Dozier, J.D., Ph.D., Executive Director, Texas Commission
on Law Enforcement, President IADLEST
"The authors have scored again with a comprehensive guidebook
that no field officer or commander should be without. Drawing on their extensive experience and expertise in planning for
and actually managing some of the worst terrorist incidents, the authors provide an indispensable tool to deal with them."
Peter S. Beering, Terrorism Preparedness Coordinator, City of
"Terrorists have years to plan their acts of violence, whereas,
law enforcement has only minutes to respond and seconds to make the right decisions. Terrorism Response: Field Guide for Law
Enforcement provides a logically displayed, quick reference for taking the correct responsive action. I highly recommend that
every law enforcement officer carry one on duty."
Steven T. Kernes, Director, Pacific Northwest Law Enforcement
Training Center
"In the demanding and changing world of public safety
this field guide is a must read for all public safety officers. It goes beyond the response to terror and addresses on the
scene crises management procedures in a clear, concise manner. It is a great tool for the working officer."
Dr. William Walsh Director, Southern Police Institute,
University of Louisville
To Purchase Copy(ies)
of TERRORISM RESPONSE, including its BIOTERRORISM CD-ROM ... E-mail amerfocus@aol.com and request restricted purchasing instructions.
Because of the price
of the Book and CD-ROM set, please consider purchasing multiple copies of TERRORISM RESPONSE for all key personnel in your
agency., including your training officer and librarian.
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